Geocaching HQ is where the tools for your geocaching adventures are created and maintained. From the wickedly smart developers, to our artistic geniuses, to the community and volunteer support teams, Geocaching HQ is where all the magic happens.

We’re excited (and frankly a little flattered) that you’re interested in coming to visit us. As a working office, we do not give tours of our office spaces but we love welcoming visitors into our Visitor Center @ HQ! Visit our Schedule a Visit page for all the details to plan your trip. 

During your visit you can log the GCK25B HQ geocache, shop for HQ exclusive merchandise, and even collect a new souvenir on your account!

Before your visit, we encourage you to check out our amazing neighborhood, Fremont, by completing the Geocaching HQ GeoTour 2.0. Print out your GeoTour passport at home or pick one up during your Visitor Center appointment, then mark the spaces as you find each geocache. These geocaches will lead you to some of the best locations in the Fremont neighborhood as well as great shops, restaurants, and sights. The entire GeoTour takes about 2 to 2.5 hours to complete on foot. Once completed, bring your passport to us and we’ll top it off with a stamp of completion!