thank you for visiting geocaching hq!
After your visit, you are welcome to discover the HQ Visitor Center trackable collection. The collection is intended for discovery only by those who have seen the coins in person. Please do not share the codes.
To access a list of only the codes which can be copied and pasted for discovery, please click here.
HQ VISITOR CENTER Geocoin & trackable tag collection codes:
Bryan Roth Coins
EV6BEJ - "The Day We Met" 5 Year Geocoin
EVV9V9 - "The Day We Met" 10 Year Geocoin
EV3GEM - "The Day We Met" 15 Year Geocoin
EVW1FX - "The Day We Met" 20 Year Geocoin
Lackey Coins
GSR5ZX - 2005 Lackey Geocoin
GS4EEA - 2007 Lackey Geocoin
GS1R7N - 2009 Lackey Geocoin
GS6HJB - 2010 Lackey Geocoin
GS0AH8 - 2011 Lackey Geocoin
GS3GYG - 2012 Lackey Geocoin
HQD350 - 2013 Lackey Geocoin
HQ2M7N - 2014 Lackey Geocoin
HQY9TN - 2015 Lackey Geocoin
HQMGMA - 2016 Lackey Geocoin
GS7ABM - 2017 Lackey Geocoin
HQZCZK - 2018 Lackey Geocoin
HQ1ZAJ - 2019 Lackey Geocoin
GS3XZY - 2020 Lackey Geocoin
GSFJ95 - 2021 Lackey Geocoin
GSD93Z - 2022 Lackey Geocoin
GSZJ05 - 2023 Lackey Geocoin
GSZVX6 - 2023 Lackey Geocoin (Turtle Attachment)
GS51Z1 - 2024 Lackey Geocoin
Geocaching International Film Festival Geocoins
GF08TA - 2013 GIFF Geocoin
GFFD4W - 2014 GIFF Geocoin
GFEZHF - 2016 GIFF Geocoin
GFGYK4 - 2017 GIFF Geocoin
GF2ECP - 2018 GIFF Geocoin
GFW1WW - 2021 GIFF Geocoin
Jeep Trackables
JPXDXT - 04 Yellow Jeep 4x4
JP7RXY - 05 White Jeep Wrangler
JP630A - 06 Green Jeep Rescue
JPTB89 - 07 Red Jeep Commander
Geocaching In Space Trackables
7VE07G - ISS Travel Bug
TMA11M - Expedition 38 Tag
Various Notable Geocoins
JYTW2D - Good Jeremy Geocoin
OSN25F - Original Stash Geocoin
MZXCGV - GPS Adventure Maze #1 (2007)
PCNF4V - Sleepless in Seattle Geocoin
SGAEQ0 - March 2006 Signal the Frog® Geocoin
SG6CBW - April 2006 Signal the Frog® Geocoin
SGH8C5 - June Signal the Frog® Geocoin
OCTF0D - Washington State Spinner Geocoin
HQPY8H - Groundspeak HQ Geocoin
HQNNGQ - Geocaching HQ Treasure Chest (Copper)
HQQ8QV - Geocaching HQ Treasure Chest (Gold)
15BTRN - 15 Years of Geocaching Geocoin
HQ78TN - Geocaching HQ Geocoin (Blue/Bronze)
HQFH95 - Geocaching HQ Geocoin (Green/Silver)
HQAFMP - Geocaching HQ Geocoin (Purple/Silver)
HQCCQ4 - Geocaching HQ Geocoin (Purple/Bronze)
HQR4AG - Geocaching HQ Geocoin (Grn/Satin Silver)
GS46F0 - Big Blue Switch Day 2024 Geocoin
Giga Event Geocoins
FGHZHM - Worldwide first GIGA Event Munich (Gold)
FG833M - Worldwide first GIGA Event Munich (Black)
GM9T7F - Mia san GIGA herzlich! (Gold)
GMHPB0 - Mia san GIGA herzlich! (Copper)
GMNEFA - Mia san GIGA herzlich! (Silver)
SBKB89 - Lederhos'n Geocoin
GXYAET - Geocaching HQ's Geldirömer Geocoin
GX92YW - Geocaching HQ's GeoXantike As Coin
GXW2XX - Geocaching HQ's GeoXantike Denarius
GXYJ2E - Geocaching HQ's GeoXantike Aureus Coin
GeoTour Geocoins
HQY8AP - HQ GeoTour Geocoin
HQD0Q3 - HQ GeoTour Geocoin (Original Design)
PCF5WB - 2016 Olympic Peninsula GeoTour Geocoin
AB0DFG - Abbotsford GeoTour
GA5V91 - Alsace GeoTour Geocoin
BG0CWA - Ballarat Geotour
BB1JBK - Bend BACA Geocoin
DT2QFR - Butler County Donut Trail GeoTour Geocoin
GSE82C - Cache the Coast: Central
NPBFXE - Captain John Smith Chesapeake Geotrail Geocoin
SC2V8J - Cateran Trail Geocoin
CVMV0K - Christmas Valley Back Country Byway GeoTour Geocoin
GSRTDT - City of Richmond - Canada 150 GeoTag
GSKCGR - City of Richmond Geo-Quest Tag
DG613Q - Discover Garland History GeoTour
MV6GVK - Discover Mission Viejo GeoTour Coin
ECBHQ3 - Earthcaching 101 GeoTour
ESTD5Y - Explore Sicamous GeoTour Coin
TCM3TY - Explore Trumbull County GeoTour Geocoin
FMYDAQ - Fargo-Moorhead GeoTour
SGCQ3A - Filmed in Spokane GeoTour Marquee
FL1A4R - Florida Kids GeoTour Geocoin
FLAFVC - Florida State Parks GeoTour Geocoin
AZZW7C - GeoTour Azores Geocoin
AZK6NB - GeoTour Ilha Verde Geocoin
KD4EDR - GeoTour Kop van Drenthe Geocoin
GT0QP3 - GeoTour: Big Things Small Towns
GT00EJ - GeoTour: The Preservers (GT4D6)
BC3QNH - Gold Country Nugget Geocoin
GSDWZ3 - Haldimand County GeoTour Geocoin
HG29V4 - HaloGeoTour Geocoin
GT1GAG - Hatfield McCoy House GeoTour Geocoin
HBYVHB - Hattiesburg GeoTour Geocoin
HB5HTC - Historic Boston GeoTour Geocoin
DMHMXM - Jack Trail Geocoin
PGZGJT - Lake Eildon GeoTour Geocoin
L949X5 - Landsat Legacy Geocoin
PCNMEQ - Olympic Peninsula GeoTour
RFCCDC - Rockport-Fulton GeoTour
SGMF16 - Sicily GeoTour Geocoin
CC4KD9 - SPX GeoTour Tag
4KVQ10 - Taking Flight Geocoin
CCXAGV - Visit Centre County GeoTour Geocoin
VNKZ7E - Visit Norfolk Area Nebraska GeoTour Geocoin
WAG97Y - WA State Parks Centennial Geocoin
W2Y3N4 - WSGA 20th Anniversary GeoTour Coin - Red
W2M201 - WSGA 20th Anniversary GeoTour Coin - Yellow
CB6BF2 - Cache de Bayou
EHTPDB - Explore Houma
LA9BZW - Lagoa Geotour Geocoin
LA456Q - Lagoa Geotour Geocoin - Gold
CVMPTG - CaymanVisitors GeoTour Tag
HATJK1 - Houma Travel Geotour Phase 2 Geocoin
HHP7TH - Hidden Black History - 2022 - Histoire noir cachée (TourismFredericton)
HHPZ13 - Hidden Black History - 2022 - Histoire noir cachée (SMUAlumni)
HHKTF8 - Hidden Black History - 2022 - Histoire noir cachée (BlackLoyalist)
GP8QPP - Great Parks GeoTour
SB42WY - Smokey Bear GeoTour Geocoin
HTCZ56 - GeoTour Phase 1 - Owned by ExploreHouma
HTCZ56 - GeoTour Phase 1 - Owned by ExploreHouma
DM6BQX - Michigan State Parks 100 Years
OCD63Z - ORB GeoTour Coin
GSGAX1 - Visit Utah Geocoin
GSVMFM - Find Your Chesapeake
DM877Z - Washington County Geotour
VCM4WT - Valley Cities GeoTour Geocoin
GG8RFN - Gilby GeoTour Geocoin
GT37YA - GeoTour - Der Grüne Ring Tag
GTNQ8A - GeoTour Fläming - Tag
HSG32Y - Schluss mit schmutzig
CD7C94 - Catskills Dove Trail GeoTour Geocoin
SGJF1E - ArcheoGeoTour
Promotional Trackables
WK7QE0 - Wimpy Kid - Luggage
WKHRHE - Wimpy Kid - Sunhat
WKN9ZZ - Wimpy Kid - Socks
WKA4JM - Wimpy Kid - Trunks
WKV2T6 - Wimpy Kid - Sunscreen
WK9ADD - Wimpy Kid - Manny
WKQCA5 - Wimpy Kid - Luggage
WK6DNE - Wimpy Kid - Sunhat
WK25P9 - Wimpy Kid - Socks
WK3PFJ - Wimpy Kid - Trunks
WKWPTY - Wimpy Kid - Manny
HGG0C1 - Hurtigruten Penguin
HGVAY7 - Hurtigruten Polar Bear
HGB6FK - Hurtigruten Penguin
HGZBMV - Hurtigruten Polar Bear
TS1A2A - Tallink Silja Schiff Trackable
SBYTR0 - Smoky Bear's 75th Birthday
DFHGDN - Discover the Forest
MGQ4Q0 - Magic: The Gathering, Ixalan Treasure Piece
MGQAQZ - Magic: The Gathering, Rivals of Ixalan Trackable: Vampire
MG8Q9A - Magic: The Gathering, Rivals of Ixalan Trackable: Merpeople
MGYVEH - Magic: The Gathering, Rivals of Ixalan Trackable: Dinosaur
MGA41Z - Magic: The Gathering, Rivals of Ixalan Trackable: Pirate
MGCR04 - Magic: The Gathering, Vampire
MG5M2T - Magic: The Gathering, Merpeople
MGNH9P - Magic: The Gathering, Dinosaur
MG393D - Magic: The Gathering, Pirate
SB9V5E - SpongeBob Kamp Koral – Mr Krabs
SB1Q5Y - SpongeBob Kamp Koral – Squidward
SBZH0P - SpongeBob Kamp Koral – Plankton
SBZ2G8 - SpongeBob Kamp Koral – Sandy
SB6TJA - SpongeBob Kamp Koral – Gary
SBMAWC - SpongeBob Kamp Koral – Patrick
SBDBXD - SpongeBob Kamp Koral – SpongeBob
TIF1G8 - TI Math buddy "Buddies Squared"
TIVMMK - TI Math buddy "Irrational Love of Pi"
TIMW0E - TI Math buddy "Infinitely in Love"
TIEJ8V - TI Math buddy “Far Out Fractals, Man”
TITW15 - TI Math buddy "Acutie on Duty"
TI0CXQ - TI Math buddy "Buddies Squared"
TI1KYB - TI Math buddy "Infinitely in Love"
TIA6VP - TI Math buddy “Far Out Fractals, Man”
TI0V1W - TI Math buddy "Acutie on Duty"
NK0WDK - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles — Donnie
NKH7KJ - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles — Raph
NKNCJQ - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles — Mikey
NKZKWC - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles — Leo
NKQRQF - TMNT – Total Turtle Power
NK6AZ4 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles — Donnie
NKER8K - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles — Raph
NK2F3Q - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles — Mikey
NKN052 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles — Leo
ZWTHRA - World of Warcraft - Sylvanas Windrunner
ZWXA8P - World of Warcraft - Muradin Bronzebeard
ZWMTZ9 - World of Warcraft - Tirion Fordring
ZWQ96R - World of Warcraft - Thrall
ZWKGM0 - World of Warcraft - Lady Liadrin
ZWR6QW - World of Warcraft - Jaina Proudmoore
ZWXW1C - World of Warcraft - King Varian Wrynn
ZWA6P5 - World of Warcraft - Sylvanas Windrunner
ZWEE50 - World of Warcraft - Muradin Bronzebeard
ZW8C2K - World of Warcraft - Tirion Fordring
ZW9VY6 - World of Warcraft - Thrall
ZWP6EF - World of Warcraft - Lady Liadrin
ZWQVX1 - World of Warcraft - Jaina Proudmoore
ZWX0Q9 - World of Warcraft - King Varian Wrynn
MWJ1AN - Mountain Warehouse Eagle
MW1VA9 - Mountain Warehouse Moose
MWD8DQ - Mountain Warehouse Sheep
MW305C - Mountain Warehouse Eagle
MWKDYD - Mountain Warehouse Sheep
MWRZ8R - Mountain Warehouse Trackable Tag
JLQRQJ - Jack Link's Sasquatch® Tag (Square)
JLBXAQ - Jack Link's Sasquatch® Tag (Curved)
TCP1BM - TINCUP Trackable
DTA9MC - DuckTales - Webby Trackable
ML5AH9 - Minelab Spinner Geocoin
MLJ42Q - Minelab Ultimate Geocaching Hunt Geocoin
MLFDQ0 - Minelab Ultimate Geocaching Hunt Geocoin
ES10PY - Land at Outside Gaming Adventures
PC7ZAG - Gear Aid Geocoin-Summer OR 2011
RHD043 - NRG Rodeo Houston Geocoin
RB3YF9 - Rainier Bottle Opener
MQ0M5A - Michelin Tag
GE65R5 - Geico Travel Tag
GEF2ED - Geico Travel Tag
SKDY0D - Octavia Scout Geocoin
EK7JTK - Ecokeepers Trackable
EX96GY - Expedia Trackable Tag
GS1GPP - Magellan CITO Travel Tag
HTBETG - Halo Top Tag
UA20P8 - Urban Adventures Carry-on
DBWNY3 - Dream Big Trackable
ELE8JV - Element14 Trackable
MTW24E - Walden Magazin MetalTag
GNHFVF - Generation Nature Trackable
NSY01V - NCEES Trackable
SAK0D5 - Spaceflight Academy Tag
MCRMGN - Meridian Cash4Cache Tag
SC21GK - Scrabble Tag
SCNW52 - Scrabble Tag
DGVQ02 - David Garrett on Tour
DGA6JP - David Garrett on Tour
CR9VCR - Captain Rodney's Tag
CR22P8 - Captain Rodney's Tag
ARCEC4 - Airstream Tag
ARTN3F - Airstream Tag
SCT9DX - Superchips TrailDash Tag
SCBBNF - Superchips TrailDash Tag
GFT0R5 - GeofreakZ Tag
GFVC7Y - GeofreakZ Tag
GFJ1J0 - GeofreakZ Tag
GFRJVA - GeofreakZ Tag
GF5XTG - GeofreakZ Tag
TXAYQK - Treasure X Goldblade Trackable
TXXK3E - Treasure X Gold-Fin Trackable
TX9BC9 - Treasure X King Goldcrown Trackable
TX8VF5 - Treasure X Trackable
Assorted Trackables
UNZVRQ - Unite for Diabetes Travel Bug
UNX2M2 - Unite for Diabetes Travel Bug
UNM5WD - Unite for Diabetes Travel Bug
UNZW3D - Unite for Diabetes Travel Bug
UN8HKP - WDD 2007 Commemorative Geocoin
UNGFG2 - WDD 2007 Commemorative Geocoin
LPYDZV - License to Cache
5EFBXV - Have a Ball!!
HQ7AV9 - A.P.E. Cache Example
2A0J23 - Signal the Frog’s XL Travel Bug
3W0KKC - Jumbo Travel Bug Photo Cut-Out
0FZJQ7 - Signal at HQ Travel Bug
BMZ9H4 - 2017 Texas Challenge 2nd Place Trophy
PC5X0T - 2017 Texas Challenge Geocoin
PCGYFT - Amberel TOP CACHE Geocoin
SCTA4K - Skola v prirode - Vysoke Tatry Geocoin
GIZKTZ - GC43 - Europe's First Geocoin
GI93YC - GC43 - Europe's First Geocoin
GNJ2WZ - GCNSW Geocoin 2020
HQ1FY7 - Geocaching HQ Coaster
GRRNY4 - German Reviewer Würfel Geocoin 2021
HQ Event Coins
GS9539 - Geocaching Block Party 2011
GSA881 - Geocaching Block Party 2012
BPZ9XT - Geocaching Block Party 2013
BPP8AR - Geocaching Block Party 2014
BPCJQY - Geocaching Block Party 2015
HQB012 - HQ 20th Anniversary Celebration
To access a list of only the codes which can be copied and pasted for discovery, please click here.